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I want to introduce to you my favorite recovery tool. I found it on Amazon about 3 months ago for $19.99 and it has been the best twenty-bucks I’ve spent in a long time!

If you have issues with sore muscles, stiffness, or knots in your muscles, I highly recommend this tool to you.

FYI: I do not have any affiliation with this product or Amazon.

I’ve been using it every day, if only for a few minutes and sometimes longer. I roll out my feet, legs, glutes, and arms without help. I occasionally will talk my husband into rolling out my back and glutes for me. It has done wonders for my forearms, shoulder caps, calves, quads, and hamstrings.

I think that my cellulite has decreased since using it regularly. Considering the roller helps with fascia manipulation and increased blood-flow, it makes since. So that’s a nice bonus.

If you decide to get one, please feel free to leave me a comment on this post and let me know how you like it.

Cheers to recovery and feeling good!